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There are many ways to look at the oil and Gas industry.

From a personal perspective, oil and gas provide the world's 6.9 billion people with 60 percent of their daily energy needs. The other 40 percent comes from coal, nuclear and hydroelectric power, "Renewable" like wind, solar and tidal power, and biomass products such as firewood.

With rising global energy demand, the oil and gas industry has a wide range of challenges and opportunities across the upstream, midstream, downstream and oilfield services sectors.

The summit combines high-level roundtable discussions with next generation technology solutions that address the most pressing challenges the industry faces. The format is structured enough to effectively organize roundtable discussions on all the most pressing topics. This summit will focus on the positive growth that operators, local economies and service providers are experiencing across the Asian landscape.

AOGS is introducing sessions which will allow for more topics to be discussed between stakeholders throughout the conference. Discussion that have recently risen to prominence within the oil and gas community. Shipping & Storage, Oil Trading & Risk Management Refining & Petrochemical and also present networking opportunities for delegates to exchange ideas and constructive views.
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